Tuesday, December 6, 2016

What Are the Different Stages of Hepatitis C ?

Hepatitis C is an infectious liver disease that occurs in at least 1 percent of the U.S. population. The hepatitis C virus attacks the liver, causing inflammation and scarring. Progressing in stages over the course of several decades, chronic hepatitis C is characterized by gradual and ongoing damage to the liver. In some people, the stages of the disease continue to progress until the liver can no longer function properly.

Acute Hepatitis C

The first stage of hepatitis C is known as the acute stage. During this time, the virus attacks the liver, multiplying and spreading within the liver. As the immune system attempts to fight the virus, the liver becomes inflamed. Women, younger people and those with a strong immune response are most likely to clear the virus on their own. Among people who do not clear the virus, hepatitis C becomes chronic and causes ongoing liver inflammation.

Chronic Hepatitis C

During the chronic stage of hepatitis C, viruses continue to multiply and attack liver cells as the immune system battles the infection. Infected liver cells die and new ones are generated to take their place as the liver tries to heal itself. However, the ongoing inflammation associated with the fight between the virus and the immune system leads to liver scarring, which slowly builds up over decades if hepatitis C is left untreated. This liver scarring, known as fibrosis, is a hallmark of chronic hepatitis C. Factors that tend to increase the rate of liver scarring include:
-- Male sex.
-- Infection after age 40.
-- Obesity.
-- Drinking alcohol.
-- Prediabetes and diabetes.
-- Coinfection with HIV or the hepatitis B virus.

People with chronic hepatitis C often experience no signs or symptoms despite ongoing liver inflammation and scarring. Successful treatment with direct-acting antivirals halts these harmful processes, and some liver damage might be reversible if not too extensive.


Longstanding hepatitis C can advance to cirrhosis, meaning the liver scarring is so severe that the organ's basic structure is distorted.  With early-stage cirrhosis, called compensated cirrhosis, the liver is still able to function, and the disease generally causes no symptoms.

Liver Failure

Left untreated, early-stage cirrhosis can progress to advanced cirrhosis with accompanying liver failure. With advanced-stage cirrhosis, much of the liver is supplanted by scar tissue. With advanced-stage cirrhosis, much of the liver is supplanted by scar tissue. With an inadequate number of healthy liver cells, the liver can no longer perform its many vital functions. Additionally, the buildup of scar tissue obstructs blood flow through the liver. This condition, called portal hypertension, causes a backup of blood and high pressure in the circulation that flows into the liver. The combination of poor liver function and portal hypertension causes a variety of symptoms, which might include:
-- Swelling of the abdomen due to fluid buildup.
-- Weight loss and decreased muscle tissue in the arms and legs.
-- Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes.
-- Easy bruising and bleeding.
-- Vomiting blood or passing bloody stools.
-- Confusion, extreme drowsiness or coma.

A liver transplant is often needed to treat people with advanced-stage cirrhosis due to hepatitis C.

Liver Cancer

Though this is not a separate stage of hepatitis C, people who develop cirrhosis because of the infection are at increased risk of developing liver cancer. The mechanisms by which hepatitis C infection causes liver cells to become cancerous are complex, but they relate to ongoing inflammation and direct interactions between the virus and liver cells.

People with advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis continue to be at increased risk for liver cancer even after successful clearance and treatment of hepatitis C virus.

Next Steps

Talk with your doctor if you are unsure whether you should be tested for hepatitis C. Contact your doctor immediately if you have any signs or symptoms of liver failure. Seek emergency medical care if you vomit blood, pass bloody or black stools or experience sudden mental changes.

Drugs For The Treatment Of Hepatitis C

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